Restarting Xi Chapter

Spring semester at Tech brings the excitement of GT basketball and baseball, as well as spring fraternity activities like parties, river outings, Greek Week and more.  As spring ends, we take this opportunity to provide you with an update on the chapter, the house, and the future of ZBT at Tech.

Unfortunately, as you probably know, the undergraduate chapter’s membership has dwindled in recent years.  We have continued to work with the chapter to try and rebuild.  Starting at the end of this past fall, we once again engaged the national fraternity to help the chapter especially in recruitment, among other areas.  We were quite explicit that this was the last chance.  The national staff worked with the undergraduates, and they put forth an effort this past semester to try and grow their numbers.

In the end, though, was clear that the chapter did not have what it takes to continue as a fraternity at Tech.  You and I know what it takes – shared goals, a commitment to excel, motivation, hard work, and perseverance.  Then and only then come the rewards.  The current members will be given alumni status, and we will be working with the national staff to restart the chapter this summer and fall.

Certainly, it will not be easy.  And we will need your help, as well.  We have kept the property in good shape, and as you know we own the building and land outright.  Your financial assistance and referrals will be key – quality men that you know who are at Tech now or will start in the fall.  Xi Chapter has been at Tech for over a century.  It is one of the few active chapters in ZBT with a historic single-letter designation.  We have a great heritage to continue, but it will not happen by itself.

We would like to thank all of you who have supported us this year, and we hope to see support from more of you before the end of our giving year in August.  In the meantime, be sure to send us news and photos for our newsletter and support our alumni events.  ZBT provides a real connection for all alumni to engage and re-engage with brotherhood for a lifetime.  We hope you take advantage of it.

C., F., & S.,

Douglas A Bodner

President & Chapter Advisor