Tom Sanders ‘74 ([email protected]) writes, “I have many happy memories from my Tech years, and most of them are from the fraternity.”
He says that those memories are why he gives. “That’s why I’ve always been a part of the annual donations — a small contribution that I hoped would help the fraternity continue to provide the type of brotherhood that I enjoyed.”
He says, “The fraternity offered a relief from the stress of Tech academics, which was tough on everyone whether you wanted to be top of class or just wanted to graduate.”
“One example is the times a few of us went over to O’Keefe in the middle of the night to throw a frisbee; another is the sledding after a rare snowfall. The games of hearts between classes was also a stress reliever — particularly if you’d just come back from a test.”
“I could go on and on about the adventures we had at Helen, Georgia, Amicolola Falls or just life in general in Atlanta (I’m thinking Underground). I also can’t say enough about the help I received from my brothers (you know who you are) that helped me get through classes that were tough.”